To Oil or Not to Oil

To-Oil-or-Not-to-OilIn like a lion … let’s hope it’s out like a lamb. After very little snow up to the end of last month, March seems to be making up for lost time. With temperatures staying cold, we’ll no doubt be heating our homes for a further time before some spring warmth arrives.

Heating oil remains the most popular choice for heating homes in the maritimes. That being the case, and considering there are other heating options available to homeowners, we offer a breakdown of the pros and cons of oil heating.


  1. Efficient: Oil is a highly efficient fuel source, providing more heat per unit than other options. This means that you can heat your home effectively with less fuel, potentially reducing your overall heating costs.
  2. Reliable: Oil furnaces and boilers are known for their reliability and durability. With proper maintenance, an oil furnace can last for many years and provide consistent, reliable heat.
  3. Comfortable: Oil heat produces a warm, comfortable heat that is particularly useful in colder climates like Atlantic Canada. It can quickly warm up a cold home and maintain a consistent temperature throughout the day.
  4. Cost-effective: While the price of oil can fluctuate, it is often less expensive than other heating options, particularly in areas where natural gas is not readily available. Oil prices tend to be relatively stable, which can help you budget for your heating costs more effectively.
  5. Availability: Oil is widely available in our area, and there are many suppliers and dealers who can deliver oil to your home. This means that you can easily access the fuel you need to heat your home.
  6. Safety: Oil is a safe fuel source, and oil furnaces and boilers are designed to operate safely and efficiently. They have built-in safety features, such as automatic shut-off switches and flame sensors, which help prevent accidents.


  1. Environmental impact: While new furnaces are very efficient with low emissions, burning oil does release some carbon dioxide and other pollutants into the atmosphere, contributing to climate change and air pollution.
  2. Dependence on oil: Because oil is a non-renewable resource, there is a finite supply, and its availability and price can be affected by geopolitical factors.
  3. Maintenance: Oil furnaces require regular maintenance to ensure they are running efficiently and safely. This can include cleaning, inspections, and repairs.
  4. Storage concerns: Oil must be stored on your property in a tank, which can be bulky and require additional maintenance.

In summary, oil is a reliable, efficient, and cost-effective option for heating your home. While there are some disadvantages to consider, the benefits of using oil continue to make it a popular choice for many homeowners in our region.

At Scotia Fuels, we never stop looking out for our customers. With safety and comfort at the top of our list of priorities, we want to continue to keep you informed of the latest in fuel-efficient and low-emission equipment and to keep your heating system in optimal working order. To learn more, give us a call to have any of your questions and concerns addressed.

Not yet a Scotia Fuels customer? Please feel free to contact us at, or better still, reach out to us directly at 902-453-2121. One of our local team members will answer, almost always within 2 rings. We’d love to talk with you.

Scotia Fuels
Scotia Fuels