Oil Tank Installations – New Requirements


Heating equipment is constantly upgrading. New furnaces, hot water heaters and the technology to run them are improving to give you increased energy efficiency and more reliability. Oil tanks have improved as well. We have talked about the options available in a previous blog https://scotiafuels.com/general/when-should-my-oil-tank-be-replaced-steel-vs-fiberglass/

This month we would like to talk about the new code requirements for installing an oil tank. While they are more stringent, it is to the homeowner’s benefit as they ensure the tank will be installed safely and will help prevent oil spills.

Below is a list of some of the more important code requirements

  • New oil tanks installed outside must be located at least 5-feet from the property line
  • New oil tanks installed inside must be at least 2-feet from any heating equipment
  • A new oil tank must be located at least 5-feet from an egress (doors)
  • The fill and vent pipes must terminate at least 2-feet away from any opening windows, doors or vents
  • The oil line must be protected yet accessible and cannot be hidden in the ceiling, walls or floor
  • When an oil tank is in an area not otherwise protected by its location from vehicular movement, the tank, its equipment, and the piping attached are required to be protected by an impact barrier
  • All outside tanks are required to have the oil line feed from the top of the tank and have deaerator for each burner or a 1-inch stainless braided hose for bottom-feed.
  • Outside tanks must have 6-inches of tamped gravel under the entire tank and sit on a reinforced concrete pad or concrete blocks (pad/block dimensions depend on oil tank size)
  • The fill pipe must terminate at least 3-feet above ground level and the vent pipe 6-inches above fill pipe
  • Outside fill pipes located more than 5-feet above grade or the oil tank pad are required to have concrete or steel steps to access the pipes
  • All inside tanks must have tank trays under them

Some of these new code requirements make installation more difficult or impossible (during the winter for outside tanks or location constraints).  Rest assured; our teams of dedicated professionals will work with you to find the best solution. The new requirements are designed to make sure your new oil tank is safe and worry-free. Anytime you are getting your oil tank replaced, you should have a qualified professional perform an onsite inspection.

At Scotia Fuels, we try to make sure our customers are kept up to date on any new regulations, safety improvements and the latest technologies in heating homes with oil.  If you have any concerns, please drop us a line at https://scotiafuels.com/get-in-touch/ or better still, call us at 902-453-2121.

Scotia Fuels
Scotia Fuels