Hot & Humid? Understanding humidity levels in your house

With summer underway in HRM, temperatures have already started to rise, and we will soon start to experience some days and evenings of high humidity.  This phenomenon has a lot to do with the onset of warmer temperatures and our proximity to the ocean.  Hot weather causes more evaporation of large bodies of water, resulting in the air being filled with high levels of moisture that can make us sweat and feel ‘sticky’.

summer-underway-in-HRMHigh humidity won’t be confined to the outdoors.  Opening doors and windows will fill indoor spaces with humid air that can increase during the day and persist at night unless the temperature drops.  With more water vapour in the air, sleeping will be uncomfortable, normal tasks will become more difficult, windows and bathrooms can collect condensation, furniture and wood floors can swell, and guitars and pianos may be out of tune.  At its worst, high humidity can reduce the body’s ability to cool itself, resulting in heat stroke and danger to those with asthma and heart problems.

So, what can we do in our homes to offset the effects of humidity and make us more comfortable? Here are some suggestions:

+ Close windows and drapes during the day to reduce warm air from coming in and being heated

+ Install a window air conditioner(s).  These will not only blow in cool air but also remove moisture from the air in the room

+ Use a dehumidifier.  These will remove moisture from the air and can make a room feel drier and more comfortable

+ Make sure bathrooms are properly vented and take cooler showers

+ Do more cooking outdoors and cover pots and use vented hoods to help reduce steam and heat from indoor cooking

At Scotia Fuels, it is our goal to provide our loyal customers with information and assistance that can help make homes as comfortable as possible in each of our varied seasons. If you have any questions on humidifiers or dehumidifiers and how these can be incorporated into your furnaces and heating equipment, please feel free to drop us a line at or better still, phone us at 902-453-2121.  We’d love to talk to you.

Scotia Fuels
Scotia Fuels