Buying and Heating a New Home in HRM

Buying_New_Home_HRMWhile budding crocuses are a subtle sign that Spring has arrived, another indicator can be the onset of the traditional peak time for home buying in Halifax.

Whether you are a first-time buyer or you are moving to Nova Scotia, we thought a brief guide to the ins and outs of oil heating could help in your house-hunting activities.

Although homes in many parts of Canada may be predominantly heated with natural gas or electricity, the most common method for heating in Nova Scotia remains oil.  Oil heating continues to be one of the safest, efficient, and comfortable ways to stay warm in our Maritime climate.

If you are evaluating the purchase of a house that is equipped with an oil heating system, you should make sure you have the equipment inspected by a qualified technician.  He or she will examine the age and condition of the furnace, water heater/boiler, heating duct outlets and radiators, and indoor or outdoor oil tanks.  They will all do an efficiency test and check for leaks, sounds and odours.  They will also look for and review the service record of the furnace if that exists.  Finally, they will give you a full report that you can use to assess the cost of any repairs or upgrades that may be recommended.

At Scotia Fuels, we have a popular FREE oil heating equipment inspection for any new home buyer.  This ‘no-strings-attached’ service is performed by one of our licenced technicians.  If any repair or equipment replacement is necessary, Scotia Fuels offers installation and payment options to fit any budget and there is no mark up over the price of the equipment – you pay what we pay.

Scotia Fuels has been a full-service home heating oil provider in metro Halifax since 1971.  We provide a complete service package that is included in the price of our oil that covers annual furnace inspections and tune-ups, 24-hour emergency service, and automatic oil delivery. Finally, we are recommended by 99% of our customers.

If you would like to take advantage of our free inspection, you can easily access our website, or even better, give us a call at 902-453-2121.  One of our friendly, full-time staff will answer the phone within 2 rings.  We’d love to include you as one of our newest customers.

Scotia Fuels
Scotia Fuels